How to stop smoking NOW

How to stop smoking

There are many reasons why people want to give up smoking, just as there are reasons why people tell themselves that they want to continue smoking. This may sound somewhat contradictory but it is true. For some people smoking has worked for them, it has always been there for them when they needed temporary relief from stressful situations. It has been there when boredom strikes and they wanted a 5 minutes break to think. So, smoking has been a faithful companion, never asking anything in return. However, on a stealth level it was stealing away the years from your life slowly but surely, and of course all the other reasons that smoking brings.

Globally smoking is one of the greatest single cause of illness and premature death. The numbers are staggering, over seven million people per year die just from smoking cigarettes. Let us not forget the passive smokers who inhale second hand smoke day in day out, they account for over one million deaths. This is a serious issue that deserves serious attention.

stop smoking with the help of hypnosis, quit smoking with hypnotherapy

Quitting smoking for most smokers is a scary thought as it requires a shift from a certain way of life, a way of life that means they have to give up a habit that they have relied on for so long. Even though smoking has become unpopular and is perceived as a bad thing.

At the same time there are many opportunities available for people to give up smoking, for example Stoptober, local support groups and specific medication that is now available.  For millions of people around the world hypnosis is the method used to help them quit smoking.

Why hypnosis works

If we accept that the habit of smoking is controlled by the unconscious mind, therefore we need to access the unconscious mind to reprogram it to quit smoking. Once this is activated you no longer feel the urge to smoke, it’s just no longer there. This is the most basic and simple explanation without going into too much detail.

Quitting smoking is a big decision and it is important to know why you want to quit. It has to be your own decision and not someone else’s decision, for example, are you doing it because your partner wants you to give up. If this is the case the likelihood of relapse is high. If, however you are clear and committed to quitting then there should be no reason for failure.

The benefits of quitting smoking

Now when it comes to the benefits of quitting smoking there are so many and most people will have their own unique reason for quitting smoking. Below is a short list of benefits of quitting smoking.


 The body is an amazing piece of engineering which has the ability to self-repair. Within 24 hours of stopping smoking the risk of a heart attack declines, almost immediately your blood pressure and heart rate start to lower.


 Within a few weeks of quitting smoking you will begin to notice that it’s easier to walk up the stairs and you don’t feel so short of breath. It’s important to quit smoking before you cause scarring on the lungs as this is not reversible.

Less stress

 One of the common reasons why people reach for a cigarette is it helps them during stressful situations, this is because the immediate rush of nicotine produces a relaxed sensation. However, in long-term, smoking increases stress levels.

The children

Let’s not forget the future generation, if you have children and you don’t want them to smoke as adults then the best thing for all parties is for them to see you quit the habit. This can only be perceived as a positive event for all.

Most people may not know that the instant you decide to give up smoking the benefits start to show up – here is the timeline from your last cigarette.

Quit smoking timeline

 20 minutes: Blood pressure and heart rate returns to normal.

12 hours: Carbon monoxide levels drop back to normal.

24 hours: The body starts to clear out the mucus build-up in the lungs.

72 hours: Breathing becomes easier and energy levels increase.

1 month: Appearance of the skin improves.

3 to 9 months: Lung function can improve by up to 10 per cent.

1 year: Risk of suffering from a heart attack falls to about half of that of a smoker.

10 years: Risk of developing lung cancer falls to about half of that of a smoker.

15 years: Risk of suffering heart attacks falls to that of a non-smoker.

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